Abundance by Holly Savas

Wall Art

Each Creative Action Network poster is hand-printed and handled to make sure that only the highest quality is offered and sent out. The sturdy matte paper and premium inks create a vibrant, museum-quality image that looks great both framed and unframed. Posters are printed in Los Angeles, CA on Epson Enhanced Matte Paper heavyweight stock, with a wide color gamut and Epson UltraChrome HDR ink-jet technology. The framed poster arrives wrapped in a protective yet lightweight black frame and includes a shatter-resistant acrylite front protector that won't break during shipping. International orders may be subject to customs duties & taxes. 

Design By: Holly Savas
Holly Savas

Holly is an artist and marketing consultant in San Francisco, CA. She loves Golden Gate Park, giant poodles, chocolate and shortcuts. When she's not art-ing she works for CAN, takes long walks in the park and makes her kids listen to NPR like everyone should.


Design By: Holly Savas
Holly Savas

Holly is an artist and marketing consultant in San Francisco, CA. She loves Golden Gate Park, giant poodles, chocolate and shortcuts. When she's not art-ing she works for CAN, takes long walks in the park and makes her kids listen to NPR like everyone should.


Artist Statement

When I think about the word Abundance, I think about the landscape of America and how it provides us with endless gifts: delicious food, hiking trails, inspiring scenery for drawing and a million other things. Even when we don't always give back to the land, the land remains generous with the abundance it provides us -- it keeps giving. This design is based on an illustration I did for a Hood River, Oregon restaurant on an afternoon when I sat at the foot of Mount Hood and sketched. Bliss! — Holly Savas